Part 1

"Meg, honey? Are you home?" Ben called into the empty house. Meg never seamed to be home anymore. She had a new job working with Gabi and there new design business. Gabi had always wanted to design clothes and Meg had always wanted to run her own business. Sara had recently sold Sunset Sisters and Meg had taken Gabi up on her offer to be partners.

Meg's always being gone had strained the Evans marriage to a breaking point. Would Ben and Meg be able to bridge the gap that just seamed to be getting bigger?


Samantha sat down slowly. He feat hurt like hell. She had spent the day questioning witnesses and getting no where. Her first case as detective and she had no leads.

"I have to find who did this. I have to prove to the chief that I can do this job just as well as any man every could." Sam picked up the folders and looked over them trying to find anything that might lead her to Michelle or her killer.

"What's this? A newspaper clipping? Sunset Beach Sentinal. Hey Rob. Where did this article come from?"

"The Uncles house. That's Michelle's father."

"Really and who is this girl?"

"Oh my god. I think I'm going to question Michelle's mother again. Maybe she can shed some light on this photo."


"I never knew how good olives tasted out of martini's."

"Oh, Annie."

"Jude, when do you have to go in today?"

"I don't."

"Really? Maybe you can finish the nursery today then?"

"Actually I had other ideas."


"No, just a visit to the doctor."

"Jude, I just had an appointment."

"And you skipped it. Why don't you want to see the doctor so badly?"

"What if something is wrong? What if it's Christina all over again."

"Everything will be okay. But you need to see the doctor. If something is wrong not seeing a doctor will make it worse."

"Fine, but only for you."

"And our baby."



"Ross. What do you want?"

"For you stop cleaning. Please let's talk."

"I talk when I'm done mopping." Maria placed the mop back in the bucket of sudsy water tipping the bucket over.

"Damn I can never do anything right. Can't mop, keep this house clean, even what comes naturally to most woman, not killing your baby, I can't do." Maria calasped on the floor tear running down her face, her entire body shaking with sobs.

"Maria, losing the baby wasn't your fault."

"Baby. Why don't you say her name? Losing Christina. Our baby died. The only chance I had at being a mother to child I had actually given birth to was taken away from me. It's not fare."

"Ssshhhhhh, honey. Everything will be okay. I promise."

"How can you promise that? How can you lie to me again? After what you did? After you slept with Brianne the night I lost our baby?"


"No. Leave. I want you out of my house and out of my life, now."


"Mom you have to tell AJ the truth."

"Emms, can't you understand why I can't?"

"No, he loves you and he'll want to be there for you no matter what happens."

"I can't let him see me die."

"I have to leave Sunset Beach. And you have to help me."

"I won't help you do that. I won't help you lie to AJ. There is a very good chance you can beat this cancer. Why don't you stay here and fight?"

"Because I don't know if that's true."

"Trust me mom, please."

"This cancer will kill me Emily, please help me not to hurt AJ more."


"Gabi, you have no idea how bad things are."

"Enlighten me."

"Ben and I we might as well not be married any more. We never see each other any more. Every time he's home I'm not. I can't even remember the last time we so much as kissed let alone make love."

"I'm sorry. That's why I love being single. I never have to answer to anybody."

"Oh please, Gabi. If Antonio walked though that door right now and told you he loved you and wanted to be with you can you honestly say you would say no?"

"Yes. The last thing I need right now is a relationship. Even with Antonio."


"Meg, Gabi the prints are ready."

"Thanks, Chris."

Chris turned and smiled at Gabi a hopefully look on his face. But Gabi turned back to Meg eager to continue their conversation.

"What about Chris, Gabi?"

"What about him?"

"He likes you."

"Oh, please. We're colleagues."

"Somebody needs to tell him that."


"You should have seen his poor puppy-dog eyes, Gabi."

"Someone should tell him about all my past relationships. I mean everybody knows the only reason I come back to Sunset Beach is because of Bella and Lolita."

"How are they?"

"Some as always. Not letting anybody get close enough to them to help them. Even I can't reach them. Everybody thought that if anybody could it would have been me."

"Keep trying. They are your sisters never give up on them."

"I won't. Especially for Maddie's sake. She needs someone who will give her unconditional love and guidance. I don't even think that Bella knows what those words mean."

"Have you talked to Brianne lately?"

"No, not since that thing with Ross. I can't believe they slept together."

"Me either. And Maria losing the baby the same night. How awful."

"Ya, and then there is us."

"Gossiping like school girls."

"Well if it isn't my favorite two people in the entire world." Mark walks into the room eager to share his news with two of his best friends.

"Hey, Mark. How's life?"

"Better, now that I'm alive and I just talked to Ben and I have a very plush job waiting for me."

"That's great." Gabi stands up to hug him.

"Ya, one person in SB's life doesn't suck."

"My doesn't…that badly."

Mark and Meg laugh at Gabi's comment. "Well it doesn't." Gabi says causing more laughter.

"Gabi, why don't you tell Mark about your new boyfriend, Chris."

"You're going out with Chris?"

"No. But Meg thinks he likes me."

"That's so sweet."

"Ya, I just hope he doesn't ask me out and force me to turn him down.


"Paula, hey. I need a favor."

"What is it Bella. You really shouldn't have brought Maddie here this isn't the place for a child."

"She's why I'm here."

"Can you watch her? I have date."

"What?! I'm working."

"Is that a no?"

"I'm sorry, I can't Bella. You'll just have to cancel your date."

"No, I'll baby-sit if you're that desperate." Ricardo leans over and looks at Maddie's face and begins to talk to her in gibberish.

"Thanks, Ricardo. I owe you."

"I can't believe you just did that."

"Did what? Helped you sister?"

"Bella has to learn that other people aren’t always going to be here to take care of Maddie for her."

"I know it's just that..."

"You feel sorry for her."

"Ya. I mean. She's seven-teen years old and she has a baby. He twin sister might have HIV and her other sister can't possiabley know how she feels and the one sister that could know doesn't want to relive the memories. How can you not feel sorry for her?"

"I do, but you aren't helping her. She's just going to keep looking for love in all the wrong places. I want her to find someone that will treat her right. Somebody she can trust and depend on. Somebody like you"

"It's too bad I'm taken. Look maybe I shouldn't have agreed to look after Maddie but I just want to help Bella."

"I know. I guess I can't kill you for good intentions."

"Don't worry do much Paula, Bella will be okay. I promise."


"Amy, honey?"

"Hey. I was just upstair with Ciatlin and you mother looking at the nursery."

"Really, how's everything look?"

"Great, Cole already finished it."


"Ya, they are so happy. I mean they are finally having there miracle baby."

"Caitlin wants it to be a girl."

"Ya, so does Cole."

"I just keep wondering how long this is going to last."

"What do you mean?"

"Everyody so happy. You parents are back together and having a child even though it''s risky. Cole and Caitlin are finally having a child. Why do I feal like everything is slowly going to just start to crumble right out form under us?"


"Sara, honey. I'm home."

"You're late."

"I know Rae and I..."


"Sara, really it's nothing. We just working on this project together."

"Ya, okay."

"Sara, please."

"Nevermind Casye, i'm going to go see Josette.



Casey stood outside Rae's house trying to work up the nerve to ring the bell.

Finally he did and Rae anwsered the door in nothing but a silk nightgown.

"Casey, come in."

Casey walked into Rae's house and for a moment they just stood there looking at each other until Casey kissed Rae.

He pulled her body up against his and took off her nightgown taking in every inch of her body. She fumbled around with his pants and evantually he took those off too.

He placed her body onto the floor, "Casey make love to me."

Casey caught sight off the ring on his finger and pulled away from Rae. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have come here. I love Sara. I can't." Casey put his clothes back on and left quitely hoping that Sara would forgive him when he told her what he had done.

Rae stood sleathing in her house, "I will get Casey. Even if I have to kill Sara to do it."

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